Tropical Rain Forest
Abiotic factors - hot and wet year-round; nutrient-poor soil subject to erosion
Biotic factors - Plants: compete for sunlight(large leaves), tall trees in shallow soil with large roots, Epiphytic plants grow on large tree branches to capture sunlight.
Tropical Dry Forest
Abiotic Factors - warm year-round; alternating wet and dry; soils subject to erosion
Biotic Factors- Plants: Lots of deciduous plants; Animal: Long periods of estivation to reduce need for water during dry seasons
Tropical grassland/savanna/shrubland
Abiotic factors - warm; seasonal rainfalls; compact soils; frequent lightning fires
Biotic factors - Plants: grow from ground rather than tip to allow plant to regrow after being grazed; Animals - migrate during dry seasons for water, some burrow instead
Abiotic factors - low precipitation; variable temperatures; soils rich in minerals but poor in organic material
Biotic factors - Plants: cacti store water in tissue, photosynthesis to open power at night;
Temperate grassland
Abiotic factors - warm to hot summers; cold winters; moderate seasonal precipitation; fertile soils; occasional fires
Biotic factors - Graze-resistant grasses; Large roots; Predation for smaller animals; Camouflage and burrowing common for hiding;
Temperate woodland and shrubland
Abiotic factors - hot dry summers; cool moist winters; thin, nutrient-poor soils; periodic fires
Biotic factors - Plant: hot dry summers; cool moist winters thin, nutrient poor soils; periodic fires
Temperate forest
Abiotic factors - cold/moderate winters, warm summers year round precipitation, fertile soils
Biotic factors - Plants: deciduous trees drop their leaves and go into a state of dormancy in winter. Coniferous trees have needles leaves to minimize water loss; Animals: hibernation, camouflage, migration, tree lose leaves allowing easier access to animals
Northwestern coniferous forest
Abiotic factors - mild temperatures, abundant precipitation in fall, winter and spring; cool dry summers, rocky acidic soils
Biotic factors - Plants: ample water and nutrients allow dense plant growth, adaptations needed to reach sunlight, creating very tall trees; Animals: insects and ground-dwelling mammals use camouflage to prevent predation; Most animals are browsers, due to vegetation changing regularly
Boreal forest
Long cold winters; short mild summers; moderate precipitation; high humidity; acidic; nutrient-poor soils
Biotic factors - Plants: needle leaves to prevent water loss; Animals: extra insulation to allow to stay warm
Abiotic factors - strong winds, low precipitation, short and soggy summers, long, cold, dark winters, and poorly developed soils permafrost
Biotic factors - Plants: Low to ground to prevent damage from winds; Adaptations to grow in poor soil, Legumes and other plants have nitrogen fixing bacteria in their roots
Animals: migration to avoid harsh winters, natural antifreeze, varied diet